How do I report damage during my reservation?

Did you cause damage? That's unfortunate, but it happens. Fortunately, you're well insured with us. First, make sure to park the car in a safe place and always call 112 in emergencies.


Always inform us if you've caused damage. Failing to do so may result in a €500 fine, as we aim to keep our cars in the best condition. Report the damage in the app under the 'report damage' button: follow the steps in the app and be as thorough as possible.


Important rules for reporting damage:

  • Always fill out a damage form, whether the damage only involves you or others as well.
  • Take and upload clear photos of the incident and damage.
  • Complete the damage report fully.
  • If you can't drive the car anymore or if there are other issues, contact MyWheels.
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