What is unplugging?

If an electric MyWheels car has been connected to a public charging station for a while, you can “unload” it. This means moving the car to a parking spot without a charging station within the correct zone. Not only do you free up space for other neighborhood residents, but you also receive a nice reward: €2.50 off your next trip. After completing five electric trips with MyWheels, you can help us with Unloading cars.


How it works:

1.Open your app

2.Turn on the “unloading” search filter

3.Select a car you can disconnect

4.Make a free one-hour reservation

5.Disconnect the car (don’t forget the cable!)

6.Move it to a parking spot without a charging station

7.End the reservation and get €2.50 off your next trip


Note: This hour is meant to move the car from point A to point B. If you use this time for other trips, we may block your account.

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